The National Kissing Bug

About Chagas disease Questions about Chagas disease and how it affects your health and the health of your pets. How is Chagas disease spread? Where do kissing bugs live? Am I at risk?
Chagas disease lecture showing bugs
Features / 01

“I was their mystery patient, with a fever as high as 107 for around two weeks, they tried everything they could think of. Isolation, ice baths, iron lung, antibiotics…”

Features / 02

“Some of my close friends think I’m contagious and won’t share a glass with me. But I feel completely fine, I’m healthy and I know that I’ll be ok. I want to start a family.”

“I’m not scared to be diagnosed with this disease, I just want to know. We all will die some way.”

“I was getting an EKG at Olive View Hospital and a nurse told me: ‘You can’t have Chagas, you are white.’”

“He was very devout and we would hold gatherings and he would also compose songs that we would always sing together,” recalls Raquel.


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