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The Voices of Chagas Disease Webinar

Celebrating World Chagas Week

                                           Celebrating World Chagas Day in Live Oak, Florida

Watermelon Festival

Newberry Watermelon Festival

At The National Kissing Bug Alliance, we are actively involved in community events, spreading awareness of Chagas Disease. Attendees at this festival in Central Florida were introduced to Chagas disease and how its presence is spreading in North America. Children of all ages enjoyed spinning the wheel to learn facts like: What does a kissing bug look like? How do people become infected? Who should be tested? When are kissing bugs most active? And are

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Conenose Bug

Chagas Disease

Kissing bugs are blood-sucking insects that live in North, Central, and South America. They feed on animals and sometimes bite humans. Some, but not all, kissing bugs carry a parasite (Trypanasoma cruzi) that causes Chagas disease. The parasite is spread when the feces of an infected kissing bug comes into contact with the bite area, or with the eyes, ears, or nose. Sometimes, kissing bugs will defecate immediately after feeding, and if a person scratches

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